News Archive for Week of June 8, 2020
Poll: Blacks in US Overwhelmingly Oppose Defunding Police
CHAZ Thugs Choke, Sexually Assault Seattle Street Preacher
CBS Cheers CHAZ's Artwork and "Street Fair" Atmosphere
Zogby Poll: Majority Agree Trump Will Beat Biden 51%-43%
Riots, Fires in Atlanta: Police Shoot Taser-Wielding Black Man
77% of Truckers Won't Deliver to Cities that Defund Police
NYC Inmates Released Due to COVID Commit 450+ Crimes
Seattle BLM Forces All Whites to Back of the March
Black Imprisonment Rate Plummets by One Third Since 2006
Walsh: Time to Face Facts - We Can No Longer Be United
Poll: Most Democrats Wish Cuomo, not Biden, Were Nominee
Social Distance Scolds Return as Floyd Protests End
Berenson: Media's Latest Attempt to Stir COVID-19 Hysteria
Roger Simon: A New Silent Majority Is Coming
DOJ Indicts 50+ ANTIFA Members for Recent Violence
Seattle Cops Can't Respond to Rapes, Robberies in CHAZ
Boat Parades Across US Celebrate Trump's 74th Birthday
US Celebrates National Flag Day
Gun Sales Indicate Where America Is Heading Politically
Minneapolis City Council's Unanimous Vote: Replace Police
Shelby Steele: Left Manipulates "White Guilt" to Grab Power
Seattle Mayor: Anarchy in City Could Be "Summer of Love"
Seattle Mayor Sends CHAZ Portable Toilets, Cleanup Crews
MSNBC Likens CHAZ to a Pedestrian Street Festival
White Celebs "Take Responsibility" in Cringeworthy Video
Weir: Rioters Have Given Trump a Landslide Election Victory
Rapper/Warlord "Taz from CHAZ" Is a Huge Homophobe
"Anti-Racism" Protesters Deface Abolitionist Monuments
Joondeph: Why Don't These #BlackLivesMatter?
Undercover Video: Super-Rich Lefties Funding Extremists
HBO Max Removes "Gone with the Wind"
Hellner: Stocks Reacting Badly to Seattle, Not New CV Cases
GOP Convention Moving to Jacksonville?
Mel Winkler, Actor in "Doc Hollywood" (1941-2020)
Biden: George Floyd's Death Bigger than MLK Assassination
Biden Doing Worse than Clinton Among Hispanic Voters
NFL Pledges $250 Million to Social Justice Causes
Seattle: Police Urged to Take Back CHAZ Before It's Too Late
Trump to WA Governor: Take Back Seattle Now - Or I Will
NYC to Rename Streets, Paint "Black Lives Matter" on Them
Mayor's Wife: Police-Free NYC Would Be "Like Nirvana"
Chicago Mayor Pleads with Walmart and Others Not to Leave
Kudlow Predicts 20% Economic Growth in 3rd, 4th Quarters
Dems Insult Blacks, Using Honored African Cloth as PR Prop
Pence: No Uptick in Coronavirus Cases Following Protests
WH Coronavirus Task Force Has Become All but Invisible
Schlichter: Media Suppresses Anyone Who Thinks Like You
"Autonomous Zone" Leftists Already Have a Huge Problem
Abraham Lincoln Monument Torched in Chicago
Richmond Mob Tears Down Jefferson Davis Statue
Leaked 2015 Democratic Party Memo: "Don't Support BLM"
Stocks Plunge on Renewed COVID-19 Fears, Fed Outlook
Steyn: If Black Lives Matter, Report Chicago Gun Deaths
Group Topples Minnesota Capitol's Columbus Statue
Anarchy in Seattle - ANTIFA Seizes Control of Neighborhood
Camden, NJ Crime Rate Dropped After Police Reforms
Law-and-Order African Americans Stand with Trump
Rasmussen: Trump Approval Among Blacks Is Over 40%
Seattle City Council Member Helps BLM Take Over City Hall
Paramount Network Cancels "Cops" Show After 33 Years
Report: ANTIFA Seeks Armed Aid to Hold Seized Ground
Poll: 80% Want to Keep or Increase Police Funding
Walter Williams: The True Plight of Black Americans
Lawson: Be Courageous, America - We Do Not Kneel
ANTIFA Seizes Seattle Police Precinct, Sets Up Own Gov't
Richmond, VA: Columbus Statue Torn Down, Thrown in Lake
Arsonists Target California Homes Flying American Flags
Boston, MA: Columbus Statue Beheaded
Democrat Cities: Fourth-World Scourges
LA Pride Will No Longer Be Involved in Sunday's BLM March
GOP Senators to FCC: Clarify Section 230 Big Tech Immunity
Valentine: Not All Black Lives Matter to Black Lives Matter
Report: 16+ Obamagate Criminal Referrals Headed to DOJ
Lawsuit: MI County Has More Registered Voters than Adults
Trump Campaign Rallies Will Start Up Again in Next 2 Weeks
Ford: We Didn't Hire Trump to Be a Uniter
Washington Examiner: Fake Polls Destroy Media Credibility
21 Famous People, Mostly White Libs, Who Wore Blackface
NC Speedway Opens by Billing Race as a "Peaceful Protest"
Hinderaker: Does America Want Submissive Leaders?
Nolte: Attendance-wise, Saturday's DC Rally Was a Huge Flop
New COVID-19 Cases in Minnesota Fall Despite Mass Riots
Minneapolis City Council to Disband Police Department
24 Hours, 18 Murders - Chicago's Worst Day in 60 Years
Bonnie Pointer of the Pointer Sisters (1950-2020)
De Blasio to Move NYPD Funds over to Social Services
Bomberger: 10 Reasons I Won't Support Black Lives Matter
Chumley: Democrats Know Their Time Is Growing Short
Marcus: The Lockdowns Are Now Intentional Cruelty
AG Barr: 750 Officers Injured in "Peaceful" DC Protests
Coronavirus Rally: Nasdaq Closes at All-Time High
Biden Finally Comes Out in Opposition to Defunding Police
Dow Surges +461.46 -- Up Nearly 9,000 Points Since March
Facebook, FCC Join Trump in War on Tech Censorship
US Records Fewest Daily COVID-19 Deaths Since March 26
Tierney: They Blinded Us with "Science"
BLM Activist: Cities with Worst Police Brutality Run by Dems
NYPD Ex-Chief: 300 Police Injured, 600 Consider Resigning
New York City Begins to Reopen Today
George W. Bush, Mitt Romney Won't Back Trump's Reelection
Joondeph: Desperate FakeNews Media in Overdrive
Biden Refuses to Take Stand Against Calls to Defund Police