News Archive for Week of July 6, 2020
Kimball: All of This Is Really About November 3
Widburg: Hollywood's New Blacklist Victims - White People
Goya CEO Refuses to Apologize for Praising Trump
Feds Deny Minnesota Gov's Request for Post-Riots Bailout
Kelley: The Left Can No Longer Call Themselves Liberals
Judge Allows Petition for Election to Recall Seattle Mayor
Body Cam Transcript Tells a Different Story on Floyd's Death
Geraghty: No One Is Ever Woke Enough
Libs Push to Nix Debates Amid Biden's Growing Incoherence
Biden's 2020 Platform Would Abolish Suburban Communities
David Limbaugh: Authoritarian Left Fears Level Playing Field
Gardey: Tracking Biden's Mental Decline - It's Getting Worse
Did FL Officials Inflate Recent COVID Case Numbers by 30%?
Amid Coronavirus, Tyson Turns to Robot Butchers
Shock Poll Shows Trump on Track to Win Reelection
Rush: What's So Special About "The Offended"?
It's Finally Happening - "The Far Side" Is Back
Most of NYC's Women/Minority Businesses Might Not Survive
CA May Release 10% of Inmates in Pandemic Response
Erdogan Signs Decree Converting Hagia Sophia into Mosque
42% of US COVID-19 Deaths Are in 3 Northeast Blue States
Trump Commutes Roger Stone's Prison Sentence
Appeals Court Stays Decision to Dismiss Michael Flynn Case
Pro-Trump Women's Org Demands Its Own NYC Street Mural
Conrad Black: Dems' Nightmare Campaign of Outright Idiocy
Silver Lining: American Credit Card Debt Plummets
COVID-19 "Victim" Promoted by NBC Didn't Even Have Virus
Poll: Approval of Trump's COVID-19 Response Hits New Low
Brown: Why It Sucks to Be a Democrat in 2020
Dead Cat Receives Voter Registration Application in the Mail
Black Lives Matter Goes Silent on Martin Luther King
Statue of Escaping Slave Vandalized with BLM Graffiti
Keltz: The Media and 2020 - It's Deja Vu All Over Again
Neumayr: Biden - Puppet of the Far Left
NYC Mayor to Ban All Large Events - Except BLM Protests
NYPD LImits Retirement Applications - 400% Surge This Week
Wells Fargo Donates $400M to Assist Minority Businesses
Report: Wells Fargo to Cut Thousands of Jobs
Chicago Blackhawks Refuse to Change Name or Indian Logo
Flynn Judge Seeks Reconsideration of Dismissal Order
Alex Pullin, Olympic Snowboarding Champion (1987-2020)
National Scrabble Ass'n Bans up to 226 "Offensive" Words
Lipson: Can Biden Avoid the Debates?
Woke NFL Players Silent About Jackson's Anti-Semitic Posts
SCOTUS: Trump Cannot Shield Tax Records from Grand Jury
Communities of Color Hit Hardest by Rising Gun Violence
AG Barr Launches Fed Crackdown on Violent City Crime
Proposed Dem Platform Gives Asylum to 11M-22M Illegals
Shootings in de Blasio's NYC Triple from One Year Ago
Fundraising Figures in State Races Spell Trouble for Dems
Kudlow: Virtually All Data Still Show a V-Shaped Recovery
Mak: Dems Are Now Party of Dumb - GOP Needs to Be Smart
VIDEO: Biden Calls Police "The Enemy", Calls for Defunding
Supreme Court: Employers May Deny Free Birth Control
NFL Star Posts Fake Hitler Quote in Anti-Semitic Tirade
Morse: We Are in a Civil War - Come to Terms with It
Gindler: The Gangsterization of the Democratic Party
Ivy League Cancels All Fall Sports
1960s Style Liberals Fear Woke Inquisition's Cancel Culture
Report: NFL's Redskins Will Become Washington Warriors
Eating Their Own: Leftists Want to Cancel "Hamilton"
Greenfield: "Black Lives Matter Effect" Killing Black Children
Hunter: The Left Will Come for You Sooner Than You Think
Tapson: Just Say "No" to the Revolution
Border Patrol Called in to Restore Order in Riot-Torn Portland
DOJ Announces New Indictments of Portland Rioters
Impeachment Witness Lt. Col. Vindman Retires from Military
Brooks Brothers Files for Bankruptcy
US Serves Formal Notice of Plan to Withdraw from WHO
NBA Approves List of Leftist Messages for Player Jerseys
Prison Wants to Ensure Maxwell Doesn't Meet Epstein's Fate
Trump Expected to Refile this Week to End DACA
WHO Is Monitoring Bubonic Plague Outbreak in China
Families Call on BLM to Address Black Community Violence
Members of Angry BLM Mob Invade Christian Church Service
Prager: If America Is So Racist, Why So Many Race Hoaxes?
Schlichter to Democrats: What If It's All a Lie?
Schlichter to GOP Saps: You Need to Quit Being Idiots
ANTIFA Rioters Turn Portland, OR into a War Zone
Joondeph: COVID Cheerleaders Change the Rules Mid-game
CDC: As Deaths Fall, COVID May No Longer Be an Epidemic
Media Buries Falling COVID Death Rate to Continue the Panic
Victor Davis Hanson: An Industry of Untruth
Harvard Undergrads Will Pay Full Tuition for Online Classes
DHS: No Foreign Students in US If Classes Are Only Online
Lowry: Unhinged Left Likens Patriotism to White Supremacy
Charlie Daniels, Country Music Legend (1936-2020)
Ennio Morricone, Oscar-Winning Composer (1928-2020)
Big Boy Replaces Iconic Mascot with Obscure "Dolly"
Ralliers at BLM Event: "Death to Israel, Death to America!"
Supreme Court 9-0 Decision: Electors Must Follow State Law
Dow +459.67, Nasdaq Rings in Another Record Close
Will Biden Sign a Pledge to Protect American Monuments?
Antoine: Can We Be Allowed to Be Adults, Please?
Lewandowski: Enthusiasm Trouble? Not for Trump Campaign
As the Crisis Deepens, Q Says Rise or Die
Daily US COVID Deaths Hit 3-Month Low for 2nd Straight Day
Earl Cameron, James Bond "Thunderball" Actor (1917-2020)